Enterprise Testing

How do you quantify & qualify culture?

Your Culture starts here...

Evaluate your Enterprises capability & maturity

  1. Organisation
  2. People
  3. Processes
  4. IT Systems

What are the quick tests to run to assess & understand the current state of affairs in the enterprise... Is the enterprise Fit & Agile? Where are your bottlenecks... Can change improvements be simulated to check process and organisational changes work... When last did you re-calibrate to gain efficiency... otherwise start asking whether or not your team are preparing for a major disruption.

Access your Enterprises latent data

Gain insight from your current data-source within your organisation. There is a goldmine of data - what can you gain from this data, and how quickly can the Enterprises 'current state' analysis be completed quickly?

Use your data-sources:

  • Active-Directory consistent
  • Self service portals used for service requests
  • Starters, leavers, movers processes automated
  • IT Policies updated
  • Workstations common baseline
  • People & Processes
  • IT Admin access controls
  • Application Access control
  • CAB (Change Advisory Board) auditing
  • AD groups
  • Documentation of 'As Is'
  • Defect Management
  • Known SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures)
  • Do you have an active RACI matrix (Responsible, Accountable, Consult, and Inform)
  • Service Description
  • What services are outsourced - where is the documented Service Delivery Order?
  • Are you managing your partnerships actively? Are the Product Responsible's trained to manage them consistently...is it scheduled?

Start an Enterprises assessment

Contact us for an quick Adhoc assessment. Current Regulatory & Compliance requirements need to be implemented. How are you achieving these expected outcomes

Know the current strengths

What does your IT & Business do well?

Identify the current weaknesses

What is the 'Headline message' reading like at the moment? Do you need to align Business & IT expectations...

Explore the opportunities

How can you quickly realise opportunities to improve the status quo

Control the risks

Has your IT Management team got a Technical Debt log and working to resolve these in a timely manner...

Find out how to do this in a cost effective automated way. Get in touch...