Test IT

Assessing Enterprise capability & maturity

  • What automated software do you use for testing? Is it fit for purpose...
  • How do you train your users? Is it good enough...
  • How do you document changes? Where is your source control...
  • How do you manage your ESP's (External Support Partners)? Are your control's working...

Start a quick assessment

  1. Test case quality & quantity
  2. Support methodology - Agile vs. Kanban
  3. Version management - release documentation
  4. IT Administration quality - generic accounts...?
  5. Communications quality - documented templates for planned communications

Enterprise 'Best Practices' - Next Steps

OATs (Operational Acceptance Tests)

Get Operational Acceptance the consistent way 100%

IT Governance

Budgets, licenses, Risk Matrix - who has them, who updates them?

UDA's (User Defined Applications)

What are the critical Business Processes that depend on MS Excel spreadsheets, MS Access DataBases and are they backed-up anywhere?

Application Access Control

Why managing Identity & Access Management matters - In the course of a career an employee moves their way through the enterprise steadily gaining more and more access across IT systems, and Directories. (Fail)

Data Classification

Has the organisation classified and organised it's data into a meaningful structure that is working? How do you implement this, and how long does it take...

Worried you have to much?

Start by putting the frameworks in in place. Then follow the '80-20' approach & empowering the team with deliberate 'Invested' time to implement 'Service Improvement' which is manged & coordinated centrally reporting to the IT Management team. Imagine what your team can do in 3 months.

What timelines should be followed

Make sure you have KPI's (Key Performance Indicators) measuring continuously operational standards. The improvements the team make will be clear.

Fix - 3 Months

In this time period the focus is on the URGENT issues

Change - 3 Months

In this time make discretionary changes.

Transform - 6 Months

In this time implement the trans formation changes.

Hows is the Enterprise doing? Are you continually testing...